Greg Findlay
Meet Lynn and Greg Findlay, an exceptional real estate team specializing in helping homeowners in the Sarnia Lambton area make their next move. With Lynn's extensive experience and dedication to turning dreams into reality, and Greg's expertise and commitment to excellence, they provide unparalleled service to their valued clients. As seasoned real estate professionals, Lynn has been serving the local community for nearly 10 years, catering to both English and French-speaking clients. Greg, with a background in manufacturing and leadership, brings a unique perspective and strong work ethic to the real estate industry. As homeowners and investors, they understand the importance of finding the perfect place to call home. Having moved to the Sarnia Lambton area in 2005, they fell in love with the community and are passionate about helping others experience the same joy. "Our motto, Our Family Helping Your Family, captures our dedication to assisting buyers and sellers in the area. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer, expanding your family, or downsizing, we provide personalized guidance every step of the way." With a vast network of trusted professionals and specialized tools at their disposal, they ensure a seamless and stress-free transaction. Count on Lynn and Greg Findlay to find answers, suggest resources, and deliver exceptional service tailored to your unique needs. Contact Lynn at 519-312-8644 or lynn@exitsarnia.com, and reach out to Greg at 519-331-2907 or Greg@exitsarnia.com. Let Lynn and Greg Findlay be your trusted partners as you navigate the Sarnia Lambton real estate market and turn your dreams into reality. Contact Lynn and Greg Findlay